Bigilla is a traditional Maltese dish, made of mashed beans, olive oil, salt and red pepper. It is usually served as a dip. Tic beans, known in Malta as "ful ta' Ġirba" , are used. These are similar to but smaller than broad beans, with a darker and harder skin. Bigilla is served as a snack or an hors d'oeuvre and is usually eaten as a spread.
Source: Wikipedia
New Bigilla Broad Bean Dip – Julia Busuttil Nishimura – Dani Valent
This delightful recipe is from Julia Busuttil Nishimura's book, A Year of Simple Family Food.
We made this dish as part of my Cooks and Chefs Series event in September and everyone loved it, especially me!
This is what Julia says:
Bigilla is a...
Riċetta tradizzjonali: il-Bigilla - LITTLEROCK
Il-bigilla hija riċetta tradizzjonali magħmula mill-ful tal-ġirba. Dan il-ful fih ħafna fibra, proteina u karboidrati, filwaqt li ż-żejt taż-żebbuġa (mhux imsaħħan) huwa wkoll tajjeb għas-saħħa (inaqqas il-kolesterol u tajjeb għall-għadam). Għalhekk.....