
Broa de Avintes

Broa de Avintes or Boroa de Avintes is a type of broa from Avintes, Vila Nova de Gaia with a long tradition in the north of Portugal. It is a dark brown, very dense bread made with maize and rye flours, with a distinctive and intense bittersweet flavour. "The word broa is believed to originate either from the Suebian or Gothic brauth, meaning 'bread', or from Celtic roots such as bron or bara, though some scholars argue for a pre-Roman origin, as evidenced by similar terms like Spanish borona, Galician boroa, and Asturian borona." This type of bread existed in Gallaecia at least since Suebian times. Prior to the addition of maize to the mixture, the main ingredients of broa were rye and malt. After maize was introduced in Europe from the Americas, "broa" became widely associated with "maize bread".[citation needed]

Source: Wikipedia