Bokit is a Guadeloupean sandwich fried in a saucepan with hot sunflower oil. It is essentially composed of flour, water, salt and bicarbonate or yeast. This typical Guadeloupean food started to develop in the mid-19th century after the abolition of slavery. At this time, the poorest workers could not even buy some of the basic products such as bread. As they were good observers and resourceful, they had the idea to adapt and produce a bread by themselves, without yeast at this time, and cooked in a saucepan with hot oil that they used to call "kettle bread" because of the vapor going out of it.
Source: Wikipedia

Les bokits guadeloupéens : découvrez les recettes de Cuisine Actuelle
Recette Les bokits guadeloupéens. Ingrédients (6 personnes) : 400 g de farine, 1 sachet de levure de boulangerie ou 20g de levure fraîche, 1 cs de margarine ramollie ou saindoux... - Découvrez toutes nos idées de repas et recettes sur Cuisine Actuelle...