Banatages - Traditional Tunisian Potato Croquette Recipe | 196 flavors
Some grandmothers will call them banatages, others banataches! Welcome to Tunisia for one of the most traditional recipes, which is also a very popular dish in Tunisian Jewish cuisine. The Republic of Tunisia (in Arabic: Al-Jumhuriya at-Tunusiya), with...
Banatage – Traditional Tunisian Potato Patties - afooda
I am so excited to share this dish with you! The outside potato coating is so comforting and the filling on the inside is flavorful and tasty. Once you take a bite of these soft and tasty patties you will understand exactly why Banatage gained such popularity...
BANATAGES - La Cuisine Juive Sepharad et autres recettes gourmandes ...
בס"ד Ingredients 1 kg de pommes de terre moyenne 2 oeufs 200 g de reste de viande cuite ou 1 boite de thon jus d`1 citron sel poivre Friture 1 oeuf battu un peu de farine Preparation Laver les pommes de terre afin d`enlever toute trace de terre. Sans.....