
Putri salju

Putri salju is an Indonesian kue kering (dried kue or cookie) shaped like crescents and covered with powdered sugar. Putri salju is Indonesian for "snow princess", referring to the powdered sugar coating that resembles snow. Putri salju is a typical delicacy for festive occasions and major holidays, such as Lebaran (Eid ul-Fitr), Natal (Christmas) and Imlek (Chinese New Year). Putri salju cookies are usually sold in air-tight plastic or glass jars in traditional markets, bakeries, pastry shops and supermarkets. The cookies' dough is made from a fine mixture of flour, cornstarch, butter or margarine and egg yolks which is baked in the oven. After the cookies are ready, they are left to cool slowly to room temperature. Once cool, powdered sugar is either sprinkled upon the cookies, or both powdered sugar and cookies are placed in a plastic bag and shaken to distribute the sugar evenly on the cookies' surfaces. Prepared cookies must be stored in air-tight containers to prevent the sugar absorbing water from the air via hygroscopy. The sweet cookie is much-loved by the Indonesian people, especially children.

Source: Wikipedia
