Getuk goreng
Getuk goreng is a common dish from the Banyumas Regency of Central Java, Indonesia. Getuk goreng is made from cassava or usually the Banyumasan people call it boled with added brown sugar making this fried getuk sweet and savory. Getuk goreng was discovered in 1918 by accident by Sanpirngad, a nasi rames seller, around in Sokaraja. Getuk goreng was one of his trades at that time the merchandise he was selling did not sell, so he had the sense that it could be consumed again then fried fry that are not sold out are fried and sold again, it turns out that fried fry is favored by the buyer, now fried getuk is not a food that is no longer sold but rather a getuk that is deliberately sold.[clarification needed]
Source: Wikipedia

Getuk (Gethuk) Goreng Khas Banyumas Enak Praktis - Resep | ResepKoki
Siapa yang tidak tahu getuk? Tentu saja getuk ini terkenal seantero Indonesia karena merupakan jajanan pasar yang sering kita temui. Getuk merupakan kue basah yang terbuat dari ketela pohon atau singkong. Tak hanya singkong, biasanya getuk dikombinasikan...