A mandoca is a Venezuelan deep fried cornmeal, ring that is usually eaten with butter, cheese and coffee while still hot. It is usually served at breakfast, and it is most popular in Zulia and Falcón states of the country. The mandoca is one of a variety of specialties exclusively created in the western state of Zulia. Though their relevance has been shaded by the new transnational tendencies because its creation was not intended for massive consumption or for marketing, it remains a basic and important part of the culinary culture of Zulia. It is made of corn meal, water, salt, grated "queso blanco" (hard, salty, white cheese), sugar or panela (jaggery, used in most traditional recipes), and very ripe plantain.
Source: Wikipedia

Mandoca - Traditional Recipe from Venezuela | 196 flavors
Today, I am sharing with you the recipe for mandocas, these delicious little fried rings made from corn flour, panela, plantain, and cheese that are just to die for! Destination Venezuela, at the northern tip of South America, one of the first lands discovered...

Mandoca - Receta Venezolana Tradicional y Autentica | 196 flavors
Hoy, comparto con ustedes la receta de las mandocas, unos pequeños y deliciosos anillos fritos hechos de harina de maíz, panela, plátano y queso, ¡que son para morirse! Destino: Venezuela. En el extremo norte de América del Sur, fue una de las primeras...

Aprende a preparar las deliciosas Mandocas zulianas con esta sencilla receta
La mandoca es un plato típico de la gastronomía venezolana, original del estado Zulia. Consiste en un anillo frito de mezcla de harina de maíz, papelón, plátano macho maduro y queso de año rallado. La deliciosa mandoca zuliana se come generalmente caliente...