Sweet roll made with cheese, syrup, cinnamon and aniseed
Delight in Golfeado: Venezuela's Irresistible Vegan Sticky Buns
Indulge in the heavenly fusion of a sticky bun and cinnamon roll, infused with South American spices and flavors. Discover the joy of golfeado, Venezuela's danish to die for. Learn to make these mouthwatering treats that transport us back to our beloved...
Golfeados con queso - Dulces Criollos - Recetas Caseras ✔
✔ Ingredientes para hacer golfeados con queso: 4 huevos, 1 kilogramo de harina, La mitad de una panela de papelón, 200 gramos de mantequilla o margarinna, 2 tazas de azúcar, 2 tazas de queso blanco rallado, 2 tazas y 1/2 de leche, 1 cucharada de levadura...