Kivevé - Traditional Paraguayan Recipe | 196 flavors
Paraguay is a bilingual country where Spanish and Guarani (the native language) are widely spoken in various parts of the country. The present Paraguayan cuisine is a mix of the native Guarani and the European culinary influences. Kivevé is a symbol of...
Kivevé - Receta Tradicional Paraguaya | 196 flavors
Paraguay es un país bilingüe donde el español y el guaraní (el idioma nativo) se hablan ampliamente en muchas partes del país. La cocina paraguaya actual es una mezcla de las influencias culinarias nativas guaraníes y europeas. El kivevé es un símbolo...
Quibebe Brazilian Style Butternut Squash Stew - Lydia's Flexitarian Kitchen
Enjoy the bold colors and tropical flavors of quibebe, a butternut squash stew from Brazil. The incredible diversity of Brazilian cuisine became apparent to me as I researched recipes for this month's Food of the World Party. Brazil is loaded with recipes...