Tacacho is a traditional Peruvian meal that is typically served for breakfast. It is popular in the Amazonas region, where the natives boil or grill plantains, peel them, then mash them in a large wooden mortar. When mashed, the plantains are combined with lard, salt, and tiny pieces of pork rind and served with vegetables and chorizo on the side. This dish originated in west Africa. In the Caribbean and parts of South America with large African influences the plantains are boiled or roasted and typically smashed with garlic. [citation needed]
Source: Wikipedia

Tacacho con Cecina - Recetas de cocina paso a paso
Ingredientes para preparar el tacacho con cecina: 1 Kg. de Cecina(Puedes reemplazarlo por carne de res seca al sol) 1 /2 Kg. de Chorizo 20 Plátanos verdes 100 gr. de manteca de cerdo 4 cucharadas de tocino picado y frito. Receta para prepar el tacacho...