Soyo is a thick soup of meat crushed in a mortar, seasoned with several spices and vegetables. The word “soyo” is short for “so’o josopy”, Guaraní words for “meat” and “crushed” (josopyré). When the meat is not crushed and instead it is boiled in the soup chopped in little pieces, it called “so’o josopy ita’y”, which means curdle soup.
Source: Wikipedia

Soyo - Traditional Paraguayan Recipe | 196 flavors
Soyo is a hearty and invigorating soup typical of Paraguayan cuisine. It is found throughout the country at home around the family or in casual restaurants. Formerly considered as a dish of the very poor, it is now appreciated by all and it has even become...

Soyo - Receta Tradicional Paraguaya | 196 flavors
El soyo es una sopa sustanciosa y revitalizante, típica de la cocina paraguaya. Se puede encontrar en todo el país, en los hogares familiares o en restaurantes casuales. Considerado anteriormente como un plato de gente pobre, ahora es apreciado por todos...