Feijoa 3 Ways: Feijoa Salsa (Part I) – Garden Betty
I have a beautiful feijoa tree in my backyard that's likely 30 (or more) years old, and every spring it blossoms with clusters of small (and amazingly sweet) pink and white edible flowers. In the summer these flowers turn into dull green, egg-shaped and...
Sweet sweet Friday: Feijoa Icecream - The KitchenMaid
Never mind the scent of green papaya, is there anything more intoxicating than the fragant green feijoa? You can keep the All Blacks, Crowded House and no. 8 wire – feijoas were what I missed the most when we lived abroad. The feijoa, which is closely...
Two great feijoa recipes: Feijoa chutney and feijoa loaf -
Kristina has seen the light when it comes to the magic flavour of her favourite fruit. Words: Kristina Jensen If you were watching me eat feijoas right at this minute, the thought would not even cross your mind that I may be a person who has had a life...