Biko, also spelled bico, is a sweet rice cake from the Philippines. It is made of coconut milk, brown sugar, and sticky rice. It is usually topped with latik . It is a type of kalamay dish and is prepared similarly, except the rice grains are not ground into a paste. They are also sometimes packaged and sold as suman. It is also known as inkiwar in Ilocano Northern Luzon and sinukmani or sinukmaneng in the Southern Luzon area. In the Muslim regions of the Philippines, it is known as wadjit in Tausug; wadit in Maranao; and wagit in Maguindanao.
Source: Wikipedia

Biko with Latik (Rice Cake with Caramel Topping) - Filipino Chow
This is Biko with Latik (Rice Cake with Caramel Topping). Biko is a popular Filipino rice cake made from sticky rice and is usually topped with latik. It is often served during parties and holidays. Enjoy this recipe from all of us at Filipino Chow...

Biko (Filipino Sweet Rice Cake w/ Latik Topping) - Hungry Huy
There are many variations on biko, but this biko recipe will give you a sweet dark brown-sugared sticky rice cake topped with a caramelized coconut sauce and latik (crispy coconut curds). Each decadent bite of this traditionally Filipino dessert is filled...
Filipino Rice Cake With Coconut Syrup (Biko With Latik) - Russian Filipino Kitchen
First of all, let me clarify that the “latik” (LAH-TIK) I am referring to in this recipe is the coconut syrup made from mixing coconut milk and brown sugar cooked over medium heat until it forms into a thick syrup. The word “latik” has two different meanings...
Biko Tapol Recipe - Russian Filipino Kitchen
The first time I served this to my non-Filipino friends, I was hesitant because of its rather unappetizing look. But when I got the confirmation that they liked the taste and even wanting to try another one, I was very happy! This biko tapol, also known...