The seasoned liquid left behind after boiling beans or greens, commonly made into soup with, for example, pork
Source: Wikipedia
Pot Liquor: A Southern Tip To Save Nutritious Broth From Greens : The Salt : NPR
Boiling up a pot of kale or collard greens can be tasty, but it also strips out a lot of the vitamins that make these vegetables so nutritious. Southern chefs have long known how to salvage the leftover liquid. They drink it as a tonic, use it as a soup...
potlikker soup with ham hock and egg noodles - Brooklyn Supper
One of my lesser New Year’s resolutions was to eat more cooked greens. For whatever reason (somewhere between an aversion to extra dishes and a hatred of soggy greens), I’ve never really cooked my greens. Until now. So far, I’ve blanched and sauteed...