Toasted ravioli
Toasted ravioli, colloquially known as T-ravs, is breaded deep-fried ravioli, usually served as an appetizer and also used to consume dipping sauce. It was created and popularized in St. Louis, Missouri. Most accounts of toasted ravioli trace its origins to a predominantly Italian-American neighborhood of St. Louis, The Hill. Supposedly, in the early 1940s, a raviolo was accidentally dropped into the fryer by a chef. Shortly thereafter, the item began appearing on menus across The Hill. While many restaurants on The Hill claim its creation, Charlie Gitto's "On The Hill" restaurant is where it was made famous. That story claims that a chef at Angelo's, Mario Battocletti, accidentally dropped the pasta into oil after a misunderstanding. Chef and restaurateur Charlie Gitto, Jr. inherited the original recipe and still serves it at his restaurants to this day. Another claim is from Mama Campisi's as well as Louis Oldani. Oldani is said to have named the dish 'toasted' ravioli because he thought 'toasted' was more appealing than 'fried'.
Source: Wikipedia