

Bazin is an unleavened bread in the cuisine of Libya prepared with barley, water and salt. Bazin is prepared by boiling barley flour in water and then beating it to create a dough using a magraf, which is a unique stick designed for this purpose. The dough may then be placed in a pan and allowed time to harden, after which it is baked or steamed.[a] The salt contributes to the hardness of the bazin. Bazin may have a paste-like and hardened texture.[b] It may also be prepared using whole wheat flour, olive oil and pepper as ingredients. Bazin is typically served with a tomato sauce, eggs, potatoes and mutton. This preparation method involves shaping the dough into the shape of a pyramid or dome, after which it may be served with a tomato-based soup or meat-and-potato stew poured atop or around it and garnished with hard-boiled eggs. A raw egg may also be placed in the hot soup. Bazin may also be accompanied with a cooked pumpkin and tomato sauce mixture.[c] When consumed, bazin may be "crumpled and eaten with the fingers." It is typically eaten using the right hand, and may be consumed communally. Bazin has been described as a traditional dish and as a national dish of Libya.

Source: Wikipedia