Corpse Reviver #2
The corpse reviver family of named cocktails are sometimes drunk as alcoholic hangover tongue-in-cheek "cures", of potency or characteristics to be able to revive even a dead person. Some corpse reviver cocktail recipes have been lost to time, but several variations commonly thought to be tied to the American Bar at the Savoy Hotel remain, especially those espoused by Harry Craddock that originally date back to at least 1930 and are still being made. Many "reviver" variations exist and the word is sometimes used as a generic moniker for any morning-after cocktail, also known as a "hair of the dog". The use of the words "corpse reviver" to describe a mixed drink appears in literature as early as an issue of Punch in 1861. A recipe appeared in the Gentleman's Table Guide in 1871 that called for 1/2 a wine glass of brandy, 1/2 a wine glass of Maraschino, and two dashes of Boker's bitters. A recipe for a cocktail called the Criterion Reviver appeared in 1875 in Leo Engel's American and Other Drinks bar guide. Another recipe from 1903 for a Corpse Reviver made it as a fancy pousse-café. The first widely popularized corpse reviver cocktail is listed in The Savoy Cocktail Book and is a cognac-based cocktail that calls for two parts cognac, one part Calvados or apple brandy, and one part Italian vermouth. In bartender Craddock's notes he says "To be taken before 11AM, or whenever steam or energy is needed".
Source: Wikipedia