Yellowfin tuna
The yellowfin tuna is a species of tuna found in pelagic waters of tropical and subtropical oceans worldwide. Yellowfin is often marketed as ahi, from the Hawaiian ʻahi, a name also used there for the closely related bigeye tuna. The species name, albacares ("white meat") can also lead to confusion: in English, the albacore (Thunnus alalunga) is a different species, while yellowfin is officially designated albacore in French and referred to as albacora by Portuguese fishermen.
Source: Wikipedia

Ahi Tuna with Soy Ginger Lime Sauce - Jessica Gavin
Sesame-crusted ahi tuna with soy ginger lime sauce is a healthy and very simple dish to make! Pickled cucumbers add a sweet and tangy crunch with each bite. At the market, I'm always keeping my eye out for some good fresh fish, and recently I scored two...