
Peruvian Green Soup Recipe - Great British Chefs
Martin Morales serves up a verdant, hearty soup hailing from Cajamarca in Peru. In Caramarca, the soup would be served with local herbs such as paico and huacatay, but the Andina chef has helpfully suggested substitutes that should be easier to source...

Sopa Verde de Elote Recipe - 101 Cookbooks
There is an wonderful Sopa Verde de Elote (green corn soup) in Diana Kennedy's Recipes from the Regional Cooks of Mexico published in 1978, I used it as inspiration for this variation - sweet corn and peas are off-set by a spike of green chile, a finishing...

Paico, a Surprising and Useful Peruvian Herb - Cuzco Eats
Mounds of green herbs pile up on stands or on cloths set on the ground in Cuzco’s markets. People use lots of fresh herbs in their cooking and for teas and rubs with medicinal import. While some of these are found in the standard Western repertoire of...