Pinole, also called pinol, is roasted ground maize. The resulting powder is then used as a nutrient-dense ingredient to make different foods, such as cereals, baked goods, tortillas, and beverages. For example, it can be mixed with a combination of cocoa, agave, cinnamon, chia seeds, vanilla, or other spices, to make a beverage called pinolillo. The name comes from the Nahuatl word pinolli, meaning cornmeal. Today, pinole is generally made by hand using wood-burning adobe ovens and a stone and pestle, and is still consumed in certain, often rural, parts of Latin America. Pinole is considered the national beverage of Nicaragua. Depending on the type of pinole and the quality of its ingredients, pinole can be high in key vitamins and nutrients, including protein, amino acids, fiber, and antioxidants. Due to the large amount of fiber and the slow digestion of the maize, pinole also has a very high satiety effect, leaving those who consume it feeling full for a longer period of time. For many indigenous peoples of Mexico and Central America, it is relied upon as a key source of nutrition and sustenance. Along with chia, pinole is a staple food of Rarámuri people, an indigenous people of the Copper Canyon of Mexico. The name Rarámuri means "footrunners". Noted for physical stamina and their ability to run extraordinarily long distances wearing only huarache sandals with soles made of recycled tire treads and their traditional garb of a white cotton loincloth with a woven belt, the Rarámuri consume bajíachi (corn beer) and pinole before races.
Source: Wikipedia