chaya-tree-spinach - Survival Gardener | A Garden For the End of the World
CHAYA – MAYAN TREE SPINACH SCIENTIFIC NAME: CNIDOSCOLUS ACONITIFOLIUS (STAR LEAF) & CNIDOSCOLUS CHAYAMANSA (MAPLE LEAF) Chaya, commonly known as “tree spinach”, is a perennial shrub with edible leaves. It’s an excellent source of vitamins, fiber, proteins...
Chaya, the Maya miracle plant - MexConnect
“Here is a contribution of the unforgettable Maya Indians, whom we have abandoned,” is the wistful introduction to a pamphlet on the chaya plant, from Desarollo Integral de la Familia (DIF), which goes on to call chaya “an ideal food and medicine.” According...
Chaya: The Spinach Tree - Eat The Weeds and other things, too
Cnidoscolus aconitifolius: Tree Pot Herb I knew about Chaya long before I ever saw one. It’s in the Cnidoscolus genus and has two relatives in the southern United States, the Cnidoscolus stimulosus and the Cnidoscolus texanus. In researching and writing...
Meet Tree Spinach (Chaya), the Leafy Superfood Food That’s Packed With Vital Nutrients – One Green Planet
Chaya sometimes referred to as tree spinach, and it is yet another powerhouse that we should all be happy to welcome into the fold, especially if that fold happens to be some sort of delicious wrap...