Rusty Nail
A rusty nail is a cocktail made by mixing Scotch whisky with Drambuie in a ratio ranging from 1:1 to 2:1. It is typically served on the rocks in an old-fashioned glass , though it can be served "up" in a stemmed glass. The cocktail's origin goes back to the 1937 British Industries Fair, but it gained widespread popularity in the 1950s after being endorsed by New York's 21 Club. Its prominence grew further a decade later when it became the go-to cocktail of the Rat Pack. Variations of the drink can be made using any aged spirit with the Drambuie (its one essential ingredient), although using blended Scotch whisky in a 1 to 1 or 2 to 1 ratio is traditional. The addition of additional Drambuie tends to sweeten the cocktail. The cocktail can be garnished with a twist of citrus, usually orange, that will enhance the acidity and flavor. Other variations include:
Source: Wikipedia