A papadam , also known as papad, is a snack that originated in the Indian subcontinent. Dough of black gram bean flour is either deep fried or cooked with dry heat (flipped over an open flame) until crunchy. Other flours made from lentils, chickpeas, rice, tapioca, millet or potato are also used. Papadam is typically served as an accompaniment to a meal in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Caribbean or as an appetizer, often with a dip such as chutneys, or toppings such as chopped onions and chili peppers, or it may be used as an ingredient in curries. Papadam is a loanword from Tamil பப்படம் pappaṭam, and is likely derived from Sanskrit पर्पट parpaṭa, meaning a flattened disc described in early Jain and Buddhist literature. Papad is known by several names in the various languages of India, e.g. पापड़ pāpaṛ in Hindi; అప్పడం appaḍaṁ in Telugu; அப்பளம் appaḷam or பப்படம் pappaṭam in Tamil; ಹಪ್ಪಳ happaḷa in Kannada; පපඩම් papaḍam in Sinhala; പപ്പടം pappaṭam in Malayalam; पापड pāpaḍ in Marathi; ਪਾਪੜ pāpaṛ in Punjabi; પાપડ pāpaḍ in Gujarati; ପାମ୍ପଡ pāmpaḍa in Odia; and পাপড় pāpaḍ in Assamese.[citation needed]
Source: Wikipedia