Plaice is a common name for a group of flatfish that comprises four species: the European, American, Alaskan and scale-eye plaice. Commercially, the most important plaice is the European. The principal commercial flatfish in Europe, it is also widely fished recreationally, has potential as an aquaculture species, and is kept as an aquarium fish. The American plaice is also commercially important. The term plaice comes from the 14th-century Anglo-French plais. This in turn comes from the late Latin platessa, meaning flatfish, which originated from the Ancient Greek platys, meaning broad.
Source: Wikipedia

Roasted Fish with a Parmesan Crust | Recipes | Delia Smith
This works superbly well with plaice fillets, but sole would be excellent, or thicker fish fillets such as cod or haddock, in which case allow 5 minutes’ extra cooking time. I don't feel this needs a sauce, but a green salad with a lemony dressing would...
River Cottage's Roasted Whole Plaice with Cherry Tomatoes
Roasting whole fish has got to be one of the simplest ways to impress a table full of diners—throw in a fancy British fish name or two and you've got yourself a winner of a party. Plaice is one of the most common flatfishes eaten in Europe, and lucky...