
Rabo de Toro (Oxtail Stew) - Traditional Spanish Recipe | 196 flavors
If you say oxtail to a person their first thought is likely to be 'eww', with visions of a sinewy tail in close proximation to something not pleasant. Not sexy food. If you say oxtail, or more precisely, rabo de toro, to a Spanish person, you are likely...

Rabo de Toro (Spanish Bull's Tail) Recipe | Turkish Style Cooking
Today I m bringing some Spanish taste and smell to your kitchens. We have rabo de torro on the menu. Rabo de torro is the tail part o the bulls. It s one of the most delicious parts of the bull. Spaniards cook rabo de torro in different ways but the...
Spanish cuisine, Rabo De Toro recipe - Andalucia Travel Guide
This Rabo de Toro dish originated in Cordoba, where the dish was made from the tail of a bull recently killed in the Corrida de Toros. Nowadays it is harder to find bull meat so oxtail is used. Ingredients 1 Oxtail – about 1.5 kg 250g carrots 100g onion...