Chicken liver pâté with pears and truffles
Liver pate is a pâté and meat spread popular in Northern and Eastern Europe. Made from finely or coarsely ground pork liver and lard, it is similar to certain types of French and Belgian pâtés. Liver pâté is a popular food item in Scandinavia, where it is known as leverpostej , leverpostei (Norway) and leverpastej (Sweden). It is made from a mixture of pork liver, lard, onion, flour, egg, salt, pepper and spices, poured into a loaf pan and then baked in the oven. The liver is usually finely ground, but coarsely ground variations are also made. Typical spices include allspice and some recipes also include a small amount of cured anchovy. In Norway, leverpostei is made with a bit of pork meat. Leverpastej is served with bread in a variety of ways. It is served both hot and cold and can be bought premade in supermarkets, butcher shops and delicatessens.
Source: Wikipedia