Amêndoa amarga
Bitter almond liqueur is a Portuguese sweet alcoholic liquor, more specifically from the Algarve region. Clear light yellow in colour and with roughly 20% alc/vol, it is one of the most well-known liqueurs in its country of origin. It is made from the seeds of the bitter almond, and is similar in flavour to the Italian amaretto. The bitter almond (Prunus dulcis var. amara), despite growing plentifully around the Algarve region, was never commonly harvested or consumed. This was due not only to its remarkably bitter flavour, but also to the high concentration of cyanide in its drupes, which can cause severe or even lethal effects if ingested in large amounts. When crushed, macerated and distilled, however; both the cyanide traces and bitter flavour are completely eliminated.[citation needed] The result of the lengthy process is a smooth and sweet liqueur, which bears no trace of the negative attributes of the raw material used in its production.
Source: Wikipedia