Uszka or vushka (meaning "little ears") are small dumplings (a very small and twisted version of pierogi) usually filled with flavourful wild forest mushrooms and/or minced meat. They are usually served with barszcz, though they can be eaten simply with melted butter and herbs (usually chives) sprinkled over. When vegetarian (filled only with mushrooms or onion) they are a part of traditional Christmas Eve dishes in Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine[citation needed], and are either added to the soup, or eaten as a side dish. In various languages, they are called[citation needed]:
Source: Wikipedia

Mushroom Pierogi “Uszka” for Borscht - Eating European
In Poland Mushroom Pierogi called "Uszka" are traditionally served in Borscht on Christmas Eve. They're made from both dry and fresh mushrooms, and a simple pierogi dough of flour, water, milk, and butter. They're beautiful and easier to make than you'd...

USZKA – TRADYCYJNY, WIGILIJNY PRZEPIS – przepyszne, drobne pierożki, wypełnione grzybami ? bez których nie ma świąt w moim domu. USZKA – TRADYCYJNY, WIGILIJNY PRZEPIS Składniki: 500 g mąki 1/2 kostki masła 1 łyżeczka soli Około 1 szklanka ciepłej wody...