Pom is a Surinamese oven dish made using arrowleaf elephant ear root, locally called "pomtajer". Within the Surinamese community, in both Suriname and the Netherlands, pom is the most popular and best-known festive dish. Within the Surinamese community pom is frequently referred to as a dish of Creole or Jewish origin. It was introduced by the Portuguese–Jewish plantation owners as the Portuguese potato oven dish. Because the potato did not grow in Suriname and had to be imported, it was soon replaced with the root of the tayer plant. Pom combines three central ingredients: chicken, citrus juice and pomtajer (Xanthosoma sagittifolium). Only the latter is indigenous, and although all plant parts are edible, only the underground part of the main stem is used as an ingredient in preparing pom. The main stem or corm is most frequently designated as pomtajer or pongtaya (lit. the tajer/taya for pom).
Source: Wikipedia