Sač is a large metal or ceramic lid like a shallow bell with which bread dough or various dishes to be baked are covered, and over which ashes and live coals are placed. Dishes prepared in a sač are evenly cooked, retain their juiciness, and are praised for their rich flavour. Sač can also refer to a dish made of meat, vegetables and potatoes, baked in sač oven. The bell itself probably comes from the saj, a curved metal utensil used on its convex side for flatbread baking, and with the concave side employed similarly to a wok in the Middle East and large parts of Asia.
Source: Wikipedia
SAČ - bravčová krkovička po bulharsky na Slovensku - recept |
Niekoľko rokov po sebe sme boli v Bulharsku a vždy sme sa tešili na toto jedlo. V
Bulharsku sme to jedli s bravčovým, ale i s kuracím mäsom. Nakoniec sme si
vymastili výpek chlebom (podobný sendviču) a zapíjali takmer nealkoholickým pivkom