Italian S Cookies / Biscotti Esse Recipe - An Italian in my Kitchen
Italian S Cookies also known as Biscotti Esse, they are a tasty, quick and easy cookie recipe. These simple Biscuits go perfect with a cup of coffee or tea. Have them for Breakfast or as a Snack! A few months ago I was sent a copy of Elizabeth Mincilli’s...
Mom's Italian 'S' Cookies | Italian Sons and Daughters of America
By: Chef Francesca Montillo, Lazy Italian Culinary Adventures While growing up in Calabria, I was blessed to gave a stay-at-home mom. I didn’t realize what a privilege this was until we moved here to the States and she become a “working mother.” Don’t...
Biscotti a esse: le Vostre ricette | Cookaround
Ricetta Biscotti a esse: In una ciotola mescolare il burro fino ad avere una crema. Aggiungete lo zucchero a velo setacciato ed incorporatelo bene. Unite la scorza di limone e un pizzico di sale. Aggiungete le uova uno alla volta unite il successivo solo...