Lasagna Verde alla Bolognese | The Splendid Table
There are as many lasagna recipes as there are cooks in Italy, yet, with so much variation, there is one regional tradition that stands out among all the others: Bologna’s lasagna. It is the lasagna that all others aspire (and fail) to be. This particular...
Lasagne Verdi al Forno - Green Lasagna - Feels Like Home™
I made this. It was a pain in the neck, but I made it, and it is beautiful. I love lasagna, Dear Reader. I love to eat it, but I had never successfully assembled or cooked it until today. Note that I did not say that I've never tried, but that I said I have.....
Lasagne verdi: la ricetta per preparare le lasagne verdi
La pasta verde è una variante della pasta all’uovo classica: il suo sapore viene esaltato soprattutto in ricette che prevedano l’utilizzo di pesce; nella ricetta che segue la utilizzeremo come base per un primo facile ma gustoso: le lasagne verdi al salmo...