Cotechino Con Lenticchie Recipe by Café Fiorello's Chef Raffaele Solinas
Cotechino Con Lenticchie Recipe by Café Fiorello's Chef Raffaele Solinas including lentils recipe AND ingredients for homemade cotechino, a traditional Italian soup, that is eaten on New Year’s Eve for prosperity and good luck...

Cotechino con Lenticchie —
Mamma D joins us in the Cucina as we kick off 2019 with this classic Italian New Year's dish! Watch how to make cotechino con lenticchie! Lentils are a tradition in Italy for the New Year because their shape looks like coins, representing wealth and abundance...

Cotechino e Lenticchie - Italian Slow-Cooked Pork Sausage with Lentils -
Cotechino is a pork sausage that really demonstrates how every part of the pig can be used to prepare something delicious. Its name derives from ‘cotica‘, namely pork rind. Italian tradition has it that it is the food to be eaten on New Year’s Eve or...