Mashed potato or mashed potatoes , colloquially known as mash (British English), is a dish made by mashing boiled or steamed potatoes, usually with added milk, butter, salt and pepper. It is generally served as a side dish to meat or vegetables. Roughly mashed potatoes are sometimes called smashed potatoes.[citation needed] Dehydrated instant mashed potatoes and frozen mashed potatoes are available. Mashed potatoes are an ingredient in other dishes, such as dumplings and gnocchi. An early recipe is found in Hannah Glasse's The Art of Cookery, published in 1747. Her recipe mashed them in a saucepan with milk, salt, and butter.
Source: Wikipedia
Irio (kartöflustappa með lauk og baunum) | CafeSigrun
Þessi réttur er eins afrískur og hugsast getur. Þetta er hefðbundinn matur hjá Kikuyu ættbálkinum, svona eins og grjónagrautur er hjá okkur. Irio er afskaplega milt og gott fyrir magann. Ég reyni alltaf að fá mér Irio í hvert skipti sem ég fer til Afríku...
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