A fishcake is a culinary dish consisting of filleted fish or other seafood minced or ground, mixed with a starchy ingredient, and fried until golden. Asian-style fishcakes usually contain fish with salt, water, starch, and egg. They can include a combination of fish paste and surimi. European-style fishcakes are similar to a croquette, consisting of filleted fish or other seafood with potato patty, sometimes coated in breadcrumbs or batter. Fishcakes as defined in the Oxford Dictionary of Food and Nutrition are chopped or minced fish mixed with potato, egg and flour with seasonings of onions, peppers and sometimes herbs.
Source: Wikipedia

Ljúffengar og hollar fiskibollur - Linda Ben
Fiskibollur eru alveg rosalega góðar þegar þær eru útbúnar rétt og frá grunni. Mér finnst þær skemmtileg leið til að bera fram fisk, ekki skemmir það fyrir hvað stráknum mínum finnst þær æðislega góðar. Eitt það skemmtilegasta sem ég geri er að elda mat...