Spartiatika Loukanika (Spartan Sausages) - Greek Hospitality
Spartiatika Loukanika are the famous Spartan Sausages, which are flavoured with orange and spices. I have tried nearly all type of Greek and Cypriot sausages and not that I don't like them all but these ones with orange flavour are my favourite...
Fassolada me Loukaniko (Stewed Beans with Sausage) - Greek Hospitality
Fassolada me Loukaniko (stewed beans with sausage), is a rustic, hearty, nutritious and comforting Greek bean stew which is perfect for the cold days ahead of us. The recipe is similar to the classic dish but the addition of the sausage adds much more flavour...
Eggs with loukaniko and potato (Ομελέτα με λουκάνικα και πατάτες) - Mia Kouppa
Eggs with loukaniko and potato and a Greek-style omelet, perfect for a light lunch. Our parents always say that so long as you have eggs, you have something for dinner. As usual, they are right. Whether you simply dress up some hard boiled eggs, fry...