Lübecker Marzipan
Lübeck Marzipan refers to marzipan originating from the city of Lübeck in northern Germany and has been protected by an EU Council Directive as a “Protected Geographical Indication” (PGI) since 1996. The quality requirements of Lübeck Marzipan are set higher than those of conventional marzipan and are regulated by the RAL German Institute for Quality Assurance and Classification. For a product to qualify as Lübeck Marzipan, a product must contain no more than 30% sugar, while the Lübeck Fine Marzipan must contain up to 10% sugar. The marzipan manufacturers of Lübeck such as Niederegger, Carstens, Lubeca or Marzipan-Land, however, follow some principles of quality by voluntary commitments, not required by the directive. Niederegger, for example, uses 100% almond paste and no sugar.
Source: Wikipedia