Pichelsteiner is a German stew that contains several kinds of meat and vegetables. In the first step, beef, pork and mutton are seared. Then the vegetables are added, which are usually potatoes, diced carrots and parsley roots, cut cabbage and leek. Subsequently meat broth is poured over the mixture and everything is cooked together . In Swabia, it is common to serve the marrow of the bones with which the broth was made together with the finished stew as a garnish. As the dish is very easy to prepare, Pichelsteiner is often prepared in large-scale catering kitchens. Its consistency is normally quite thick.
Source: Wikipedia

Rezept: Pichelsteiner Eintopf - Das Originalrezept | Rezepte | Zeit für Bayern | Bayern 2 | Radio | BR.de
An so einem richtig ekelhaften Regentag, da braucht man was Warmes. Der Pichelsteiner ist ein typisch bayerisches Eintopfgericht aus verschiedenen Fleisch- und Gemüsesorten. Ob es direkt in der Stadt Regen erfunden wurde, wo es alljährlich im Juli das...