A crêpe or crepe is a dish made from unleavened batter or dough that is cooked on a frying pan or a griddle. Crêpes are usually one of two varieties: sweet crêpes (crêpes sucrées) or savoury galettes (crêpes salées). They are often served with a wide variety of fillings such as cheese, fruit, vegetables, meats, and a variety of spreads. Crêpes can also be flambéed, such as in crêpes Suzette. The French term "crêpe" derives from crispa, the feminine version of the Latin word crispus, which means "curled, wrinkled, having curly hair."
Source: Wikipedia

Italian Crespelle Recipe - Easy Italian Recipes
You might be wondering “What is crespelle?”. Crespelle are the Italian equivalent of crepes. They look beautiful and are quite easy to make, once you have the hang of it. Crespelle can be used in either savory or sweet recipes, although the crepe batter...

Crespelle: Italian Crêpes With Asparagus and Peas [Vegan] – One Green Planet
These crespelle, also known as Italian crêpes, are about as fancy as you can get. Thin crespelle are stuffed with peas, asparagus, and a vegetable cream sauce and then baked in the oven until crisp around the edges and warmed through...