

Smörgåstårta is a dish of Swedish origin popular in Sweden, Estonia (called võileivatort), Finland (called voileipäkakku and smörgåstårta) and Iceland (called brauðterta [ˈprœyːðˌtʰɛr̥ta]). It is not a sweet cake, but composed of layers of bread bound with large amounts of filling and garnish, similar to a layered cream cake. The smörgåstårta is sliced and served like any other cake. A smörgåstårta is normally made up of several layers of white or light rye bread with creamy fillings in between. The fillings and toppings vary from meat, fish, cheeses, to vegan, but egg and mayonnaise are often the base. Additional filling may vary greatly but meat, fish, cheese and/or vegetables are common. The top garnish often reflects the ingredients used as a filling. Smörgåstårta is served cold and cut like a dessert cake. In Finland, voileipäkakku is a common dish at family gatherings such as birthday parties, weddings, or funerals.

Source: Wikipedia
