Czech Easter Bread: Mazanec / Pecete Mazanec? - Czechmatediary
Among other things the Czechs and Slovaks celebrate Easter by making a sweet bread called Mazanec. The dough is practically the same as the one for Vanocka (which is baked for Christmas) but the shape is different and the meaning is different. When you...
Another classic Czech/Slovak recipe:Mazanec / Dalsi klasicky CS recept: Mazanec - Czechmatediary
A couple of days ago I baked a traditional sweet bread called Mazanec (a Butter bread). As the name suggests it is not one of your diet meals – it is high in fat and high in cholesterol. But the good part is that if you make this bread you will be continuing...
Easter baking Czech and Spanish way - The Creative Mom
If there’s something I enjoy about Easter besides dying the eggs with dry onion skin, it’s the baking of the traditional Czech pastry called mazanec. It’s easy to make and it’s a perfect proof of that the Czech cuisine is not only delicious but also has...