İmam bayıldı
İmam bayıldı is a dish in Ottoman cuisine consisting of a whole Eggplant stuffed with onion, garlic and tomatoes, and simmered in olive oil. It is a zeytinyağlı (olive oil-based) dish and is found in most of the former Ottoman regions. The dish is served at room temperature or warm. The name supposedly derives from a tale of a Turkish imam who, for one reason or another, lost consciousness over the dish. In one version it is said that he swooned with pleasure at the flavour when his wife presented him with this dish, although other more humorous accounts suggest that he fainted upon hearing the cost of the ingredients or the amount of oil used to prepare it. Another version claims he ate so much of it that he passed out.
Source: Wikipedia

Aubergines stuffed with onion, garlic and tomatoes in olive oil; Imam Bayildi | Ozlem's Turkish TableOzlem's Turkish Table
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