Tufahije is a dessert made of walnut-stuffed apples poached in sugar water. It is very popular in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Croatia. The Bulgarian pechani yabalki are also stuffed with walnuts, but are usually baked, not poached. Tufahije is served in large glasses with their own glazed syrup and whipped cream on top. It is usually accompanied by coffee.
Source: Wikipedia

Tufahije / Apples stuffed with walnuts - Kuhinja zaposlene žene
(please scroll down for recipe in English) Prošlog vikenda sam bila na veoma lepom ženskom ručku i zaista sam uživala. Za desert nam je ponuđeno sijaset slatkiša, a od svega sam izabrala – Tuhafije! Mogu da ih jedem kad god – ne previše slatke, osvežavajuće...

Tufahije - Traditional and Authentic Bosnian Recipe | 196 flavors
What are tufahije? Tufahija (plural tufahije) is a dessert from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Tufahije consist of apples stuffed with walnuts and cooked in a syrup. This delicious autumnal dessert is also very popular in neighboring Balkan countries like Serbia...