Homemade Date Honey — A Sweet, Sticky Take on One of the 7 Species – The Forward
Dates, one of the seven species traditionally eaten on Tu B’Shvat, are represented in Deuteronomy (8:7-8) by their honey, called devash in Hebrew. Authentic biblical honey is as dark and thick as molasses, but it has its own rich flavor and isn’t quite...
Delightful Date Honey – Ultimate Daniel Fast
There's a reason why dates are mentioned in the Bible. You'll see what I mean after you try this recipe. It's an unbelievable treat that will make your mouth dance with delight! Date Honey is featured in many Ultimate Daniel Fast recipes, so you'll definitely...
Silan Ice Cream -
Watch Rorie make this delicious parve silan ice cream with her famous Dip the Apple in Honey Cake,
Spectacular Silan, Lemon and Mustard Salmon – The Forward
This recipe dates back to the days when silan was something you schlepped back from Israel wrapped in two sweaters and one towel in an already overweight suitcase. What? You don’t bring spices, cheeses and amazing ingredients back from the Holy Land...