Yi mein
Yi mein or yimian is a variety of flat Cantonese egg noodles made from wheat flour. They are known for their golden brown color and chewy characteristics. The slightly chewy and slightly spongy texture of the noodles is due to the lye water used in making the dough, which is then fried and dried into flat patty-like dried bricks. The yi mein noodles available at grocery stores were pre-cooked by machines the same way as the modern instant noodles are made. The noodles may be cooked a number of ways. They are boiled first, then can be stir-fried, or used in soups or salads. Good noodles maintain their elasticity, allowing the noodles to stretch and remain chewy.
Source: Wikipedia

Long Life Noodles - Traditional Chinese Recipe | 196 flavors
Our Chinese month is almost coming to an end but a new lunar year already started over the weekend. The celebrations of the Year of the Rooster will continue over the next two weeks, featuring a number of symbolic dishes such as long life noodles, also...