A category of jelly-like foods made from bean, grain or nut starches, used in a variety of dishes
Source: Wikipedia
Mung bean jelly side dishes (Cheongpomuk-muchim) recipe by Maangchi
Hi, everybody, I'm going to introduce another side dish recipe to you. Cheongpomuk-muchim is made with mung bean starch. It's sugar-free and fat-free but delicious. What's the taste like? Hmmm, if you like noodles, you'll like it. As you see in the video...
Seasoned acorn jelly (Dotorimuk-muchim) recipe by Maangchi
Hi everybody! Dotori ... dotori ... dotorimuk-muchim recipe is here! : ) Dotorimuk is made from acorns. Some people in Korea still make homemade dotorimuk from scratch, using acorns that they gathered or picked from the mountain. The traditional way to...
[Korean Recipes] Jelly Salad - All Asian Recipes For You
Mook is basically jelly made with various type of starch. There are acorn mook (dotori-mook, 도토리묵), mung bean mook (chungpo-mook, 청포묵), and this olbangge mook (올방개묵) that I am using. If you’ve dine in Korean restaurant many times you provably have seen...