Muk is a Korean food made from grains, beans, or nut starch such as buckwheat, sesame, and acorns and has a jelly-like consistency. Muk has little flavor on its own, so muk dishes are seasoned with soy sauce, sesame oil, chopped scallions, crumbled gim, and chili pepper powder, and mixed with various vegetables. There are several types of muk:
Source: Wikipedia

Mung bean jelly side dishes (Cheongpomuk-muchim) recipe by Maangchi
Hi, everybody, I'm going to introduce another side dish recipe to you. Cheongpomuk-muchim is made with mung bean starch. It's sugar-free and fat-free but delicious. What's the taste like? Hmmm, if you like noodles, you'll like it. As you see in the video...

Seasoned acorn jelly (Dotorimuk-muchim) recipe by Maangchi
Hi everybody! Dotori ... dotori ... dotorimuk-muchim recipe is here! : ) Dotorimuk is made from acorns. Some people in Korea still make homemade dotorimuk from scratch, using acorns that they gathered or picked from the mountain. The traditional way to...

[Korean Recipes] Jelly Salad - All Asian Recipes For You
Mook is basically jelly made with various type of starch. There are acorn mook (dotori-mook, 도토리묵), mung bean mook (chungpo-mook, 청포묵), and this olbangge mook (올방개묵) that I am using. If you’ve dine in Korean restaurant many times you provably have seen...