Sayur lodeh
Sayur lodeh is a popular Indonesian vegetable soup prepared from vegetables cooked in coconut milk, and is most often associated with Javanese cuisine. Common ingredients are young unripe jackfruit, eggplant, chayote, melinjo beans and leaves, long beans, green chili pepper, tofu and tempeh, cooked in coconut milk and sometimes enriched with chicken or beef stock. The bumbu spice mixture includes ground chili pepper , shallot, garlic, candlenut, coriander, kencur powder, turmeric powder (optional), dried shrimp paste, salt and sugar. There are two main variants of sayur lodeh soup based on its colour; the white and yellow lodeh. The greenish white sayur lodeh is made without turmeric, while the golden yellow one has turmeric in it. Sometimes green stink beans are added. The ingredients of sayur lodeh are similar to sayur asem, with the main difference in its liquid portion, sayur lodeh is coconut-milk based while sayur asem is tamarind based. To add aroma and taste, an authentic Javanese sayur lodeh recipe might include ground old tempeh. This old tempeh is known as "yesterday's tempeh" or "rotten tempeh" (Javanese: tempe bosok).
Source: Wikipedia