Fiddleheads or fiddlehead greens are the furled fronds from a fledgling fern, harvested for use as a vegetable. Left on the plant, each fiddlehead would unroll into a new frond . As fiddleheads are harvested early in the season, before the frond has opened and reached its full height, they are cut fairly close to the ground. Fiddleheads from brackens contain ptaquiloside, a compound associated with bracken toxicity, and thiaminase. Not all species contain ptaquiloside, such as Diplazium esculentum, a fern with fiddleheads regularly consumed in parts of East Asia, which differs from bracken (Pteridium aquilinum).
Source: Wikipedia

Cooking with Leafy Midin (Fiddlehead Fern) - House of Annie
Stir-fried Midin with Garlic and Shallots Midin, not to be confused with Paku, is a local fern that, according to my Sarawakian friends, is only found in Sarawak (but that I have not yet verified for sure). When we first got to Kuching, we were invited...

Recipe – Sarawak Midin Salad with Dried Shrimp - Jackie M
Print PDF Preamble Even before we started filming the pilot of Asia: Food.Travel.Mystery, my collaborator and co-executive producer Robb Demarest and I had planned to scout out locations in Borneo - it has all the right mixes for our series with its unique...