Kewpie —often misspelled kyūpī (キューピー) according to the pronunciation—is a Japanese brand of mayonnaise, and the name of the company that makes it. Kewpie is the best selling mayonnaise in Japan, and is also sold in other countries. Shokuhin Kogyo Co. Ltd. 食品工業株式会社 was founded in Nakano, Tokyo in 1919 by Toichiro Nakashima. He had previously worked in the United States for three years as an intern for the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, where he first encountered mayonnaise and the Kewpie doll that became his emblem. Originally, his business distributed canned salmon. Mayonnaise production began in 1925, and it has been the best selling brand of mayonnaise in Japan ever since. The company is now called the Kewpie Corp. The company stopped production of mayonnaise during World War II because of supply shortages, and resumed production in 1948. Nakashima's businesses are based on "innovation, consistent improvement, and building cooperative frameworks, while fulfilling social responsibilities that ring true even in today's society", according to a Japanese academic journal.
Source: Wikipedia

What Is Japanese Mayonnaise And How Is It Different From American Mayo? | POGOGI Japanese Food