
Ayam Percik - Grilled Chicken Kelantan Style - Nyonya Recipe
For this recipe, I tried to use the easy method, by not grinding or using the food processor or blender. But unfortunately, I could not find ready pounded lemon grass. so I still had to pound it! So far, using the ready made ie, powder form is much easier...

How to Make Ayam Percik – Travel Diary Kelantan – Part 7 - Jackie M
Recipe for Ayam Percik (Grilled Chicken) from Cikgu Garden Chalet We next headed to a Kampung Stay called Cikgu Garden Chalet - a pristine village with manicured gardens in the middle of rural Kota Bharu. Cikgu Garden Chalet in Kota Bharu, KelantanFlashback...
Sunshine Kelly | Beauty . Fashion . Lifestyle . Travel . Fitness: Healthy & Easy Ayam Percik Recipe For Working Urbanite
I decided to be more domesticated and perhaps try out some recipes when I have more time during the weekend. Since we are still in the mood of Raya plus I love spicy food so I decided to cook ayam percik extra pedas. This round we are going to opt for...